Sunday 24 April 2016


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Vasaloppet is a ski-cross running that happens in Sweden and Norway around this time of the year. This event is in honor of Gustav Vasa, the king that finished with the Kalmar Union (a political unification between Denmark, Norway and Sweden). History tells that while the Danish king was occupying Swedish territory, Vasa was in the northern part of the country, organizing a resistance movement. With the refusal of help from his companions, Vasa decided go to Norway, looking for some support. His incredible journey was made by ski. In 1523 Gustav Vasa became king of Sweden. Today he is remembered and very loved for his people. Thousands of athletes participate in this incredible ski-cross running between the Norwegian and Swedish lands.
The children had also the opportunity to participate in a ski-cross running around pre-school. Each child had two wood´s sticks and an identification number on its backs. They were so excited about it.  At the end of the route, they received a gold medal and warm cup of blueberry soup as a reward.

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