Sunday 24 April 2016

Space trip

Friday, March 11, 2016

Space keeps its secrets to it self. What is it above us? Does the sky ends? Is someone living in there? Those questions come naturally in the human´s mind.
Since the firsts days of practice, I noticed the special curiosity from the group about the universe. To introduce my culture and country I decided to organize a space trip. I wanted to take the children up in the sky and, together, observe Portugal and Sweden from the space.
For this activity I made a helmet, a rocket and a video about the Earth. In a cardboard I had a picture of the Portuguese and Swedish territory. I had some pictures about each country to compare the differences and similarities between cultures.
We could talk about the images and what was represented in there and try to match them with the right country. Every time a child was going to space, with the helmet on the head and holding tight the rocket, the movie started.  Once in the sky, the child placed the two images in the corresponding country. 
After our spatial journey I offered the helmet and the rocket to the group.
It was possible to see the excitement on their faces. The picture of the world seeing it from the sky is absolutely fascinated and exerts a special effect on us.
When we were all back on Earth, one of the little girls said to the educator “We went to space, we went to space!” And she was not lying! We actually did!

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